Maria Montessori

How To Help Kid’s Mind Growth

Maria MontessoriA variety of quotations from Maria Montessori gives you a clue of what the Montessori methodology is all about. Maria Montessori was a wonderfully gifted individual who was ahead of her time. She unfolded lots of the mysteries, not solely of childhood, but of human nature. Her books are learn all over the world in many languages. The importance of her discoveries is but to be absolutely understood, as much of her work continues to be being translated and compiled. She died in 1952 in Holland, after training directors all around the world.

Once she became Dr. Montessori, she managed to fill her life with more jobs and tasks than anybody we have ever covered. Certainly one of her new positions introduced her into contact with children living in (neglected in” is more like it) an asylum and Maria had a thought: Perhaps these children are developmentally delayed and mentally …

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