3 Careers for People Who Want To Help Others

Many people don’t want jobs where they feel that they aren’t benefiting society. Thankfully, there are many careers out there that focus on making the world a better place. Here are three occupations to consider on your journey for professional enlightenment.

Academy Online - Fire Training - Canada/US/International


Assisting people in emergency situations is a noble cause. If you are interested in doing this, a career in firefighting might be right for you. Thankfully, there are online firefighter training resources available for you. This career is best for people who are physically fit and don’t mind working long shifts where they are on standby. In addition to the typical duties most people are familiar with, firefighters also inspect possible hazards, teach fire safety at schools, maintain their equipment and more.

Sign Language Interpreter

Everyone deserves to be able to communicate. As an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter, you can help people do just that. A person … Read more

Город Исфахан в Иране

Основные достопримечательности Исфахана относятся к эпохе правления Сафавидов (XVI- нач.XVIIIвв.) и расположены в районе реки Заянде-руд, главной реки Исфахана. В Исфахане каждый уголок – история, прекрасная архитектура, красивые сады и мосты невероятной красоты. Зачастую Исфахан сравнивают с Санкт-Петербургом, он также считается культурной столицей Ирана. Разберем поподробнее самые примечательные мест Исфахана.

Площадь Накше-Джахон

Площадь Накш-Джахон одна из самых красивых площадей мира (в переводе с персидского накше-джахон означает «половина мира»), ее длина – 512 метров, а ширина 160 метров, по периметру пощади расположены двухэтажные здания, соединенные в единый ансамбль, где сейчас располагается исфаханский базар. На этой же площади расположены самые главные достопримечательности Исфахана – дворец Али Капу, мечеть Шейха Лютфоллы, мечеть Имама. Сегодня площадь Накше-Джахон – основное место продажи иранских ручных изделий, а также главное место проведения различных национальных и религиозных праздников.

Мечеть Имама

На юге площади Накше-Джахон расположена мечеть Имама, одна из самых красивых мечетей всего мусульманского мира. Она была построена Read more

Ways to Make Your Child’s Learning Fun

10 Educational & Interactive English Learning Games for Kids

Even when your child isn’t at school, you can encourage learning. Get excited about new books and games that you can enjoy together. Find independent activities to share when you’re too busy to be both a parent and a teacher. Be creative and imaginative.

Stories for Understanding

Everyone learns in slightly different ways, but fun is often the one element that makes it easier to learn. If your child likes to read or spends hours telling you stories, make sure to read together. When you read about the things you want to teach your child, you can emphasize curiosity and imagination. Ask questions and have a conversation about what you’re reading, so it is a natural experience and doesn’t feel like an assignment. One day, you could read a book about becoming president, a book about krill, and a book about a famous painter. This could make … Read more

Everything You Need To Know About College

There are many great things about college.

Unfortunately, the cost is not one of those great things. If you’re in college right now, then you know how costly it can be. Paying for room and board, books, and more can really put a dent in your bank account. You might be able to spend less while in college by using the following tips.

Eat healthy. There is truth to the freshman 15. Eat healthy and refrain from eating fast food. Avoid overdoing the fast foods that are the staple of many students. Such foods might seem quick and inexpensive, but the calories cost you over time, nor are they nutritious enough.

Use online resources to study at home. Popular study aids include Quizlet and Memrise. You can use these websites to create flashcards for your class. Often, someone else has already made flashcards for your class or subject of study. … Read more

Accommodating Learning Styles

Do You Have a Learning Culture? - Lynchburg Business Magazine

Each classroom is filled with students who learn different ways. Parents may also discover that what interested Susie doesn’t interest Johnny. The best way to accommodate various learning styles is to make sure that you have lessons and activities that cater to all types of learners whether you are setting up a classroom or attempting homeschooling.


Most kids are hands-on learners to some degree – that’s why their fingers are always sticky! Filling your home or classroom with educational manipulatives like counting cubes and magnetic letters fulfill their need to touch. Most kids love to conduct science experiments and get their hands dirty discovering.


Visual learners get a kick out of charts and graphs and like to pour over the minutiae of tables and flowcharts. They may prefer to draw a picture rather than explain a concept in words. They may not be the best listeners, so be … Read more