Future Learning Trends

Future Learning Trends

As technology develops, learning trends are also progressing rapidly. Starting from a hybrid changing system to a more innovative learning approach.

Thanks to technology, learning conditions in the pandemic era can adapt to the online system. Even today, online learning continues to develop from the media to the devices used.



When studying, one needs to complement it with other people so that more and more points of view. In other words, collaboration is needed in order to find solutions to various problems.

In the future, learning about collaboration is needed instead of patronizing each other. This is because in real life collaboration is needed to encourage mutual awareness of learning together.

Such as cross-field collaboration in the modern scientific world, for example. Someone who is a member of a science and technology project, of course, not only scientists but also people from other fields of science need to collaborate to get maximum results.

Inspiration to learn from a young age

It is not surprising that future education will start from an increasingly young age. This is because, today’s young children are increasingly easy to adopt and retain information and develop their interests.

As children grow and begin to explore the world around them, they can use a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) approach to educate children and inspire them to be passionate about learning.

This awareness will also be accompanied by an educational approach that no longer dictates based on the system but guides based on their preferred talents or tendencies.

Rapidly Growing Online Learning

Online-based education or e-Learning has become a new trend in the world of education during the pandemic. Online learning was originally done for self-study, but now it has grown rapidly.

This development is enriched by extensive learning resources, interesting videos and a curriculum that complements the textbooks used by students in schools.

In the future, this development will be more rapid so that it can create a fun and interesting online learning environment and store information to be easier to learn.

Learning is no longer only focused on giving written assignments but also through approaches to problems they face in their daily lives.

Using VR to Learn

The development of technology also allows students’ learning devices in the future to change. It is not impossible that in the future students will use sophisticated technological equipment such as Virtual Reality (VR).

VR will be interesting for students and can make learning concrete, no longer abstract.

VR allows students to learn in a fully digital environment. In addition, VR also allows teachers to take them on great learning adventures without ever leaving the classroom.

For example when students can see clearly how the solar system in the universe is by traveling through space in a VR spacecraft, or to explore the intricacies of the human body.

With VR Technology, learning can encourage the development of imagination and a higher quality learning process.

Learning with AI Technology

Not only VR, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology if it can become a learning trend in the future. AI can change the way teachers teach, map needs and analyze them.

Of course this will optimize the learning process to achieve better goals.

By adopting technology in learning, teachers can be one step ahead to facilitate the student learning process and provide better results than before.

