Chicago Schools Opens Its First Virtual Elementary School

Board Of EducationThe Illinois State Board of Education has permitted the state’s first digital public elementary school, the Chicago Virtual Charter School. The Board acted in opposition to State Superintendent Randy Dunn’s advice to disapprove the Chicago software, in addition to against the opposition of the powerful Chicago Teachers Union, by voting a five-to-four approval.

Cases and Discussion: Mental Health Issues: In re Ford, 854 N.E. second 501, (Ohio 206). You will discover that Mr. Ford was a May 2004 graduate. He was rejected for lack of character and fitness. He had a history of psychological health points and a few financial points. He had filed bankruptcy twice and had been in remedy for years for a medical situation. At the time of the listening to, the committee found that Mr. Ford had his psychological issues under control with remedy and counseling, however had concerns relating to the stress of practicing regulation … Read more