ADN vs BSN – What to choose and why? A debate Get Graduation

ADN vs BSN – What to choose and why? A debate Get Graduation

ADN degree and BSN degree graduates are both registered nurses. The degrees prepare graduates for entry-level positions. They usually work side by side caring for patients: They administer care, monitor patients’ symptoms, and update medical charts, among several other duties. However, nurses with their BSN degrees deal with a greater variety of duties than nurses with their ADN. 

As mentioned earlier, The BSN degree also opens doors for leadership and management positions. If you are looking to work in nursing specialties like public health, education, and research, you will need a BSN degree.

A real-time job posting analysis software from examined more than 1 million nursing jobs posted over the past year and found in comparison of ADN vs BSN that RNs with an ADN degree met the minimum education requirements listed for 59 percent openings, while RNs with a BSN qualified for 98 percent of the jobs advertised.

Both BSN and ADN degrees prepare nurses for entry-level roles. However, as mentioned BSN degree is structured to offer more career opportunities for upward mobility, which naturally comes with a bigger paycheck.

The starting salary for a registered nurse with a BSN can be similar to what an ADN nurse earns. However, RNs with an ADN degree may land entry-level positions that will provide them with $40,250 on average. At the same time, RNs with a BSN can earn up to a mean annual income of about $71,730.

Data has established that BSN nurses potentially earn more than nurses with an AND. But a two-year ADN offers a faster path to graduation and, in turn, employment. That means that after only two years, you can earn your associate degree and take the NCLEX nurse licensing test. So, as compared to a student who’s seeking his or her BSN, you’ll be out earning experience and a salary two years earlier.


