The MSc stands for Magister Scientiae, which is Latin for ‘Master of Science.’ The standard Master’s qualification taught courses in science and technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) subjects.
MSc degree gives students the chance to focus and explore a particular area of interest in more depth. It is particularly suited to individuals who work well with quantitative analysis and technical methods.
A ‘Master of Science’ is a level 7 qualification in the United Kingdom. It’s equivalent to MBA, MA, MRes, and other postgraduate Masters degrees.
In Canada and the US, the MSc is a postgraduate (or ‘graduate’) level degree. Students can study it as part of a more extended graduate program that eventually awards a Ph.D. or a standalone qualification.
Before completing their degree, MSc candidates are to conduct research and present a thesis paper or dissertation. MSc, a significant milestone in one’s career, demonstrating considerable additional expertise and training over and above an undergraduate degree.